Analysis Of Susan Glaspell's A Jury Of Her Peers

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Susan Glaspell in her book a “Jury of her peers” presents on a number of issues pertaining to Feminism ,She challenges culture in a patriarchal world during the 20th century .The book “A jury of peers was written having been primarily focused on a court proceeding for the Des Moines Daily news in Loway , it was also adapted from the play the trifles .The events relating to the story publication took place during the year 1917 . Susan was a woman who was depended ,determined who did not like to feel any form of control around her .She portray this aspect in her b (Glaspell, 2015)ooks when she portrays that women are as intelligent just like their male counterparts . In her book, a feminist view presents an examination of the women representation in the story , it also presents a picture on how men regard women to be an inferior subject .Susan Glaspell through the above assertion on women presents an ingenious manner which explains on how women often worry about trifles ,she also highlight on women power relating to observation and the agility of their communication which serves as an integral; part in solving murder case .
The early 20th century presented a scenario whereby women’s main domain was the kitchen as well as household duties , this assertion has over the years resulted to critics (Gainor, 2003).Feminist critics have gained immense interest to the story .The story is an inspiration for them to examine the representation of the female characters .The 20th century presented a picture whereby the husband was considered as the dominant figurehead of any family. Immediately a