Analysis Of That Sugar Film By Damon Gameau

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Throughout term 4 we have been focusing on That Sugar Film by Damon Gameau. Damon Gameau is an Australian actor who directed and took the lead role in the documentary That Sugar Film.
Whilst the documentary is biased, this is necessary in order to educate the audience effectively. The key techniques that Damon Gameau utilises in this documentary in order to persuade and position the audience to take his side are his interviews with experts, the shocking images showing the effects on your teeth, and last but not least, the most effective technique is the use of himself as a guinea pig in an experiment. It is this technique that is the game changer for Damon Gameau and is his trump card in positioning us to accept his view that sugar is evil. …show more content…

He uses the technique of himself this is the best technique to use for he is demonstrating to the audience. The documentary of the sugar farm Damon Gameau uses a great technique of using his own body to show us how sugar affects the body and what it is destroying in the body. I think this technique in his documentary is the most impactful thing that the viewers can see first-hand on how this attacks the human body and makes it decay basically like a rotten tomato. This type of play shocks the audience and will put the viewers in an off-setting mood. This adds an extra shock value to the viewers they view upon this as the most disgusting thing at the moment and see how the person’s body is making a change from going from slim to too fat, from healthy to unhealthily this puts thoughts into a viewer’s head and they will think to themselves on making changes to their diets so they won’t end up obese and unfit. For me this links back to the movie supersize me this film also consists of the same method of using themselves as an experiment which will show the viewers will see them as and then they will reverse back to their former selves and show the viewers that it’s very easy to change the way you will see

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