The articles I have decided to use is about the murder of Susan Kay Nason called ‘Her Memory, Her Dad On Trial In `69 Killing’(Chorness) from the Chicago tribune. As well as Another point of view of the L.A Times "Man Convicted After Daughter Recalls Murder."(Morain).
This article it shows us how the mind had repressed the memory of Eileen Franklin-Lipsker, whom had witnessed the murder of her best friend Susan Kay Nason in September 22, 1969 by her own Father.
She was 8 years old at the time of this incident. She never came forward until, one day while sitting with her own children (daughter aged 5 and son aged 2) looking into her daughter’s blue eyes while she was asking a question - triggered the memory of the murder she had witnessed,
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Professor John Gabrieli and Michael Anderson, a psychology associate professor at the University of Oregon conducted the experiment. Where 24 people between the ages of 19 and 31 were given 36 pairs of nouns that were not related and asked to memorize them. After a few minutes they were able to remember them. This experiment was documented using a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine to view the brains processes. They were then asked to only remember the first words and forget the pairs while more scans were taken. The third part of this was a another scan while they were asked from memory to remember the pairs. They were not able to remember many of the pairs. The results showed that the test subjects were able to consciously repress the memory of the second word of the pairs. Proving that the brain is able to repress memories.
Based on my research and my own opinions, I was able to ascertain from many accounts that a suppressed memory is most likely to resurface when an incident happens that slightly resembles what occurred of felt in the repressed memory. For example in the above article Eileen looked into her daughter’s blue eyes while the daughter was asking a question and remembered how she looked into her