Analysis Of The Article 'To Stay On The Land Farmers Take Extra Jobs'

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In the article, To Stay on the Land Farmers Take Extra Jobs, by Jacob Hunge ad Jesse Newman it is illustrated the severity of an average farmer’s life and the ideal that many farmers did not just farm alone. In fact, the majority of farmers worked part time jobs to help support their families and made sacrifices to barely see any profit and to keep their farm‘s. Additionally, with this the price of maintaining a farm has increased while agricultural commodities prices have not kept up with inflation. Furthermore, the focused centralized on the fact in order for framers to possibly make more money they would need more land which usually gets bought out the quickest by better capitalized operations able to pay at higher rates. It’s hard in the farmer’s world to stay true leaving most of them to suffer through 16 hour days to slightly make ends meet. Overall, the conclusion of this article was that in 15 to 20 years there will only be big corporate farms and will rarely witness little farmers. …show more content…

Farming already includes strenuous hours and focus to ensure that everything is handled in the best fit way. Having another job to make ends meet prevents doing the job of a farmer efficient enough to try and harvest more crops because your focus is split into 2 jobs. Furthermore, with the addition of increased costs of farming it seems that in the future although the farmer may want to stay in business will rationally not be able to when their harvest are not worth much but still having to pay for next year’s seeds and fertilizer. It is all a lot to keep enduring if there is no real growth from