
Analysis Of The Biblical Permissibility Of Women Pastors

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Graylin Locklear
Mrs. Scribner
4 April, 2016 The Biblical Permissibility of Women Pastors
The ethical of whether it is biblically permissible for women to be pastors continues to be a controversial topic raising concerns to believers who seek to follow scriptural truths in their lives. This paper will discuss this question from both affirmative and negative positions as presented by Christian scholars and experts who have studied the topic and seek to present a biblical view on the issue.
Matt Slick, president and founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, argues that the Bible when speaking on the issue of “when speaking on the issue of whether women should be a pastor?” that the Bible presents that “No, women are not to be pastors and elders.” Slick believes that it is an accurate representation of the Biblical standard (Should Women). Slick later adds scripture to back up his perspective. First Timothy 2:12-14 “But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but remain quiet. For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression.” …show more content…

Slick stating “God is a God of order and balance. He has established order within the family.” Slick then lists out scriptural support. Slick mentions that in creation God made Adam first and that Eve would he his helper, which is the order of creation. This is the order in which Paul talks about when dealing with authority. When being a pastor or an elder in the church is being in a high role of authority in the Church. Therefore, for a woman to be a pastor or an elder, that would be by then placing her in a position of authority in the church which would contradict what Paul directly addresses. (Should

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