Analysis Of The Biggest Couch Potato: Best Television Shows

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How to be The Biggest Couch Potato: Best Television Shows
Most of my friends were getting Netflix accounts so I begged my parents to let me get one. Finally, they caved in. As soon as I got on Netflix, I was overwhelmed with all of the different shows I could watch. I asked my friends who had Netflix what they would suggest. I decided to make a list of the television shows I should start watching and why. By doing this, it narrowed my list down to three shows. There are specific aspects of a television show that captures the audience’s attention.
In television shows involving high school aged kids, there always seems to be some type of complicated relationship that the viewers may be able to relate to, which increases their interest in the …show more content…

One example of this is the show Criminal Minds. There is a theme song played at the beginning of each episode with suspenseful-sounding music. The show is a murder mystery, so this creates drama and suspense for the viewers. Another example is the television show One Tree Hill, which plays a catchy theme song to kick off each show. One Tree Hill uses a mundane song that most people recognize, whether they have seen the show or not. This theme song was frequently played on the radio. The reason for using a popular theme song is to trigger people to think of the show when they hear the song. Furthermore, one final example of a show with a catchy introduction is Gossip Girl. The television show does not use an actual song. It uses a saying, but adds a beat to it. The theme song/saying became very popular on Twitter and Instagram after many people began using it as their caption to their selfies. Due to the popularity of Instagram and Twitter, people began to wonder where this saying came from and were more likely to watch the show out of curiosity. Television shows with theme songs create excitement and enjoyment for the targeted …show more content…

Big Brother for example, has non-stop drama throughout every episode. Sixteen guests from the United States get to live in a large, beautiful house for the entire summer. These sixteen houseguests compete for the title of “Head of Household” by engaging competitions. The Head of Household is safe from being removed from the game for the week, but also has the power to choose two people to be eliminated from the house. Another game awards the “Power of Veto” to one of the players which means they have the power to vote one of the two nominees off the elimination list and the Head of Household must pick a replacement nominee. The houseguests also have plenty of time to bond, but not everyone gets along. Each of the houseguests tries to eliminate the person they dislike the most which can get very dramatic. They cannot settle the tension between each other by arguing. They have to fight it out through the competition games. In general, people enjoy conflict and drama, so shows like this are sure to catch their attention. Gossip Girl is another great example of a show with a lot of drama. An anonymous girl on the internet spills information that should remain private. Her gossip makes friendships fall apart causing drama between everyone. Drama that is mysterious and always leaving the audience wondering what will happen next and evokes a regressive behavior. In the television show 90210, lies spread like