Analysis Of The Book 'Eviction' By Matthew Desmond

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Reaction Paper: Evicted Brittany Stallings Southwestern Oklahoma State University COUN 5373-6001 Dr. Amy Martin April 2, 2024 Summary of Eviction by Matthew Desmond Matthew Desmond stated, “Eviction is a cause, not just a condition of poverty.” Evicted is a story about the struggles that people go through while trying to survive the housing crisis in America. The author (Matthew Desmond) displays, through storytelling based on real-life situations and fact-based statistical evidence, how common evictions are in America as well as the domino effect that it causes. The main point is that the causes are not always entirely due to the mismanagement of funds. What the author wants the reader to understand is that eviction does not discriminate …show more content…

Thus, resulting in evictions, poverty, inequality, etc., continue to exist at an all-time high throughout our nation. This book is a story about 8 families from two different communities that are all victims of poverty in different ways. It showcases how sometimes knowingly and unknowingly we give in to the agenda to keep certain demographics and neighborhoods at a disadvantage, while also detailing the severity and adverse effects of this problem. The author focuses on Milwaukee’s North side, which is mostly African American and found within the inner city, and a mobile home on the South side of town. This is to show that this crisis is not limited to race; it is a target on the poor and disadvantaged. This book is broken down into 3 parts to detail how tenants and landlords discuss rent and navigate their relationship, the process of evictions, and the outcome once an eviction has been filed. The intention is that the reader will begin to understand the obstacles that the poor are facing and that they are actively being targeted and suffering while simply trying to obtain housing that is safe and affordable. Throughout the book, Desmond uses statistical data gathered from …show more content…

This book is related to the course by how it shows in detail why individuals and families find themselves in need of counseling services for various reasons. Many people feel that there has to be certain catastrophic events that take place (i.e., abuse, neglect, assault) that warrant going to counseling. This book does an excellent job of showing how poverty is the main factor that leads to the downfall of communities and the people in them. It has inspired me even more to want to figure out how I can work on changing the community that I am from, which is starting to decline drastically. 2. What is the difference between a'smart' and a'smart'? This book is related to problems in our present day because it details the severity of poverty and economic exploitation that take place every day. Since the completion of this book and the research that was used at that time, this crisis seems to only be getting worse with no ending in sight. This is not a problem that can be solved simply by working extra hours to meet economic needs. This is a problem that was created at a governmental and societal level, so that is where the change needs to start. Creating more jobs won’t help unless the minimum wage is sufficient enough to cover the totality of economic needs. Citizens are in need of more than just getting the rent paid each month. The cycle of working just to keep housing has led to an increase in mental health problems, drug and alcohol abuse, crime, and abuse and