Analysis Of The Moon And Sixpence By William Somerset Maugham

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II. Literature Review

2. 1 The research on the progress of enslavement and salvation of will

2. 2 The research on The Moon and Sixpence at Home and Abroad
William Somerset Maugham, a British novelist and dramatist. It always contains human compassion and sympathy in his satirical writing. His life and his works are always with argument. And the novel The Moon and Sixpence is one of his most debatable works. No matter the theme of this novel or the relationship with Paul Gauguin or the reflection of the author Maugham 's life are full of disputed. Studies on Maugham have been thriving abroad. Ted Morgan raises a famous "Maugham problem" in the biography which he writes for Maugham. He points out an imbalanced phenomenon that Maugham enjoys a great reputation among readers but is often overlooked by the main critics. Lytton Strachey, a famous critic at that time, categorizes Maugham as "Class Two, Division one". Although some critics depose his works, there are some others who appreciate his work very much. Theodore Dreiser praises Maugham 's work Of Human Bondage as an "autobiography of most importance”. The famous writer, George Orwell also claims that Maugham is "the modern writer who has influenced me most". The general approach in the studies of Maugham 's work remains biographical. So firstly, I collects six biographies, including Robert Lorain Calder 's W Somerset Maugham and the quest for freedom, Robert Calder: Willie the life of w. Somerset Maugham, Wilson