Analysis Of The Movie Remember The Titans

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In the movie, remember the titans written by Chad Oman and Jerry Bruckheimer. They are from the school T.C. Williams High School. The director of the film was Boaz Yakin. In this essay I will be writing about how Gerry Bertier changed throughout the film and why this occurred. I will talk about how he was at the start of the movie about how he felt about the different skin coloured people. Then I will go on and explain how he began to start to change his thoughts and started to work with them. And in the final paragraph I will explain how he was at the end of the movie. At the start of the movie Gerry Bertier despised the different skinned people, he didn’t even talk to them or look at them, when they were about to board the bus, Gerry went up to coach Boone with ray behind him and was telling him that he was going to play the position that he wanted to play, and was also telling him how to run the team. This part of the movie is important because it shows how Gerry thought about Coach Boone. His attitude started to change when they were halfway through their camp training when peedee got tackled and then they started pushing each (not in an aggressive way) other saying left side, strong side, left side, strong side. This was an important part of the movie because it shows that they were finally getting along and their relationship was just starting. Because of Gerry and Julius bonding the whole team came together because Julius was the leader of the black people and