Analysis Of The Muscogee Nation: Indigenous Food Sovereignty

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The Muscogee Nation, also know as the Creek, have taken initiatives to sustain indigenous food sovereignty within their community. First, it is important to understand the difference between food sovereignty and indigenous food sovereignty. Food sovereignty is the right to define one’s own food system and the ability to control production of food. Indigenous food sovereignty is similar, but has key major differences like the focus on culture, identity, and place. Another difference is that the food system is not just a right, but a responsibility for the community to sustain their relationship with nature. The Muscogee Nation is now focused on achieving indigenous food sovereignty and does this by supporting programs focused on traditional foods. The major program in the Muscogee Nation …show more content…

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation community and the Mvskoke Food Sovereignty Initiative have both worked together to continue the elements of wellness and community health, seed sovereignty and biodiversity, youth voices, intergenerational knowledge transfer, and culture and language of indigenous food sovereignty within their community to achieve complete indigenous food sovereignty. First, it is important to cover the natural environment of the traditional lands of the Muscogee to understand the means on how they use to grow traditional foods before discussing wellness and community health. On the Muscogee Nation government website, they state that the Muscogee “built expansive towns within these same broad river valleys in the present states of Alabama, Georgia, Florid and South Carolina” (Muscogee (Creek) Nation). These river valleys provided a heavy supply of fertile soil and water, which are essential to produce crops. From those lands the Muscogee communities were able to become highly accomplish farmers. They were “raising huge fields of corn,