Analysis Of The Poem Fear Not The Ground By Melissa Hulstrand

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Fear Not the Ground by Melissa Hulstrand

I defy those who ride on the wings of logic
And reason
I say
Let Go
Free falling is the only way
To test what you own within
But if you are afraid to fall
Fear not the ground below
And grow to meet the sky instead
The trees don’t need a reason to grow
But they do, steadily
And they are images of independence
But look closer
Really admire
The influence of others upon it
Which have made its shape unique
So trees are illogical
And have allowed others to make marks upon them
But they are steady in how they wear their scars
And so should we remain
And take our cues from trees
We should grow up and we should grow out
But steadily, and every day
Sprout new leaves and strip the old
Let …show more content…

How do the images help develop the meaning of the poem?
Wings, falling, the sunshine, growth, sprouting,

Images give a verbal indication as to what something may look like visually and in a poem, this is especially useful because it allows the poet to further develop the meaning of the words or poem

Where does the poet use personification? What is the purpose of it?

The poet uses personification to describe the ground as having a "mouth" and a "tongue" in his poem Fear Not the Ground to convey a sense of foreboding and danger. Giving the ground human-like qualities makes it a more active participant in the harm that could be caused by a fall. While also emphasizing the importance of taking calculated risks and facing one's fears, this serves to increase the reader's awareness of their own vulnerability and mortality. This poem explores fear and courage through the personification of the ground, making it a powerful meditation on what it means to live.

Give an example of a metaphor. How does the metaphor connect to the poem’s meaning?

The fear of falling is like a weight on my shoulders,
Dragging me down and holding me …show more content…

The varying line lengths in "Fear Not the Ground" help to convey a sense of unease and uncertainty. The shorter lines create a fragmented, staccato rhythm that mimics the speaker's fear and anxiety. Meanwhile, the longer lines provide space for reflection and contemplation. This contrast between short and long lines emphasizes the poem's themes of fear and hope, as well as the speaker's struggle to find balance between them. Overall, the structure of the poem adds depth and complexity to its meaning, inviting readers to explore their own fears and anxieties in a similar way.

What do you think is the underlying meaning/message of this poem? Explain by referring to specific lines in the poem.

The speaker in Melissa Hulstrand's "Fear Not the Ground" urges readers to embrace their mortality and live life without fear. By describing death as a natural and inevitable part of life, the poem encourages readers to let go of their anxieties and enjoy each moment. The line "let death be just another step" emphasizes this idea, suggesting that death is not an end but rather a transition. Similarly, the phrase "fear not the ground" suggests that death should not be feared or avoided, but rather accepted as a necessary part of life. Overall, the poem's message seems to be that by accepting our mortality, we can live more fully and appreciate each moment for what it