Analysis Of The Sea Of Monsters By Rick Riordan

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In the graphic novel The Sea Of Monsters by Rick Riordan, 3 teens which are called demigods are forced to battle monsters to save their friends and families from being killed. The teens start by being very weak and not confident in their ability to fight. This is shown in panel 3 on page 10. In this panel Percy, one of the teens, is laying on the ground while one of the monsters is towering over him. The author chose this scene to be a worm's eye view because it shows that the monster is viewed as a god since he is much larger compared to Percy. The author's purpose in this book is to tell the reader to never give up. In the panel where the monster was towering Percy the monster was winning the battle. However, in the next panel Percy knocked down the monster. Percy could have very easily given up and accepted losing to the monster, however he instead stood up and fought. This makes the reader really …show more content…

He tried to send the message multiple times, but Percy never understood what it meant. It would have been easier for Grover to just give up on the message, but instead he kept sending messages until Percy was able to decipher them. This makes the reader feel very motivated to keep pushing through their hard times. The last example of the author's purpose in this graphic novel was when Percy was running from a monster on the bridge. Percy was most likely going to lose to the monster and Percy knew this. The author showed this by making Percy look upset by using dark colors, as well as the author made the monster bigger the Percy to show that the monster is a large fear for Percy. Percy could have called for help and given up but instead he cut the rope holding the bridge together. Percy fought through his greatest fear and the author is trying to show the reader that they can