Analysis Of Toxic Sludge Is Good For You And Poor Democracy

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Growing up in the church I always heard the statement, “the truth will set you free”, as a kid I could not wrap my head around this statement, but now as a young adult I definitely have an understanding of what those church folks meant. In last weeks’ module I concluded my post posing the question, “is freedom really free”? This statement and question directly connect to the content presented in Toxic Sludge is Good for You and Rich Media, Poor Democracy. As a recent graduate of UT’s Communication program, these videos were of no surprise to me, and I did not learn any new information. Media outlets have quietly taken over America, being the most powerful influence; this influence has been used as a social control. This form of social control …show more content…

Network, and many more. According to an article with Fortune Magazine (which she also was on the cover of), “Jenner currently has 2.7 million followers on Twitter, and Beth Kseniak, executive director of public relations for Vanity Fair, confirmed that the Caitlyn issue was their best seller since January 2011. The episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” in which Jenner came out as transgender drew 4.24 million viewers. The show hadn’t attracted an audience of that size in three years” (Bukszpan, 2015). In July of 2015, Caitlyn new reality show “I Am Cait” aired, the popularity of the show was soaring, so much that the ad time of the show sold out before its first …show more content…

I found this statement very powerful, “Journalism is one of the central problems that face a democratic society. To have a democratic society you need to have a vibrant, healthy journalism… It’s the cornerstone of democratic theory” (Rich Media, Poor Democracy, 13:15). This statement is the very reason why I left Journalism for Higher Education. Journalism is still advertised as this opportunity the commutative freedom, and democracy, and it is false advertisement. Journalist has pawns in a chess game; they are the messengers for the corporations. This is not to say that there are no journalists out there fighting the battle of making it more democratic, but this is to say that this is what the field has become, and if you are not willing to make this sacrifice of some level you will not last long in the field. I will like to revisit my opening statement of “the truth will set you free”, and I will like to pose some questions. Is the truth being held back in order for them to still own our “freedom”? Is “freedom” really