Analysis Of Wealth By Andrew Carnegie

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Power of people vs. Power of Wealth

In “Wealth” by Andrew Carnegie, he argues that with his billions of dollars, he doesn’t think they deserve what they gain from other, he would never give any part of it even if it was little to charity or places in need because he thinks that they don’t know how to properly spend and use it meaning that it won’t end well if they obtain their hands on money that they didn’t work for. In “What is Power Really?” by Rick Millers, it shows that he thinks that real power is really being shown as something as “inside-out” he says that it doesn’t matter the position or title everyone has power in some sort of way. In addition, this speech made by Greta Thunburg she explains that everything is wrong and she shouldn’t …show more content…

He believed that wealthy people were morally obligated to give their money back to others in society. If money was left for public benefit after death, there was no guarantee that it would be administered well by others. Therefore, Carnegie argued rich men should give their wealth for public good while still alive. “Of every thousand dollars spent in so-called charity to-day, it is probable that $950 is unwisely spent” (2) Carnegie argues that billionaires must give away their fortunes. He just thinks they must administer the money themselves because non-billionaires don't know how to handle it and will waste the …show more content…

“The Gospel of Wealth.” Carnegie Corporation of New York, 1889, Accessed 21 February 2023.
Miller, Rick. “-.-.” -.- - Wikipedia, 2018, Accessed 21 February 2023.
Staff, NPR. “Transcript: Greta Thunberg's Speech At The U.N. Climate Action Summit.” NPR, 23 September 2019, Accessed 21 February 2023.
Lowell, Julie. “Women Face Discrimination in the Workplace.” Women Face Discrimination in the Workplace, 2006, Accessed 21 February