Andrew Carnegie: Captain Of The Metal Industry

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Andrew Carnegie By some means, Andrew Carnegie journeyed from being penniless to becoming one of the most wealthiest man to exist (McGuire). By getting himself into the metal industry, Andrew Carnegie became a captain of industry who helped to make America strong. In the first place, The metal industry’s most popular iron and and steal, promised Carnegie a future brimful of wealth and success (Kohn). In order for Carnegie to have succeed in being in the metal industry, it was clear that he had to discontinue his career of a railroad executive (Kohn). To commence his business in the metal industry, Carnegie invested in an iron manufacturing factory (Kohn). Carnegie also bought into an iron bridge plant and then bought into a Company making …show more content…

Once Carnegie retired from his job at the age of 66, he decided to become a philanthropist (America’s Library). Carnegie believed that since he was wealthy, it was his responsibility to give money to those who were in need or to others in society (America’s Library). Even before he retired, Carnegie had already made some charitable donations. For instance, in ‘’America’s Story from America’s Library’’ the source states ‘’Carnegie had made some charitable donations before 1901, but after that time, giving his money away became his new occupation. In 1902 he founded the Carnegie Institution to fund scientific research and established a pension fund for teachers with a $10 million donation.’’(America’s Library). What this quotation manifests is that Andrew Carnegie made made charitable donations, even before he decided to retire. The second manifestation made in this quote is that Carnegie was dedicated to giving his money away to the people who actually needed the money. Not only did Carnegie give his money to those in need, but carnegie also contributed to fund organizations and to fund