Analysis Of What Do You Think By Mark Edmundson

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In the essay, “WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”, written by Mark Edmundson states his claim on education. Edmunsdon states his claim on how if you want to get a real education in America you’re going to have to fight against the institution that you find yourself in. Edmundson supports his claim with the use of diction and tone, appealing to emotion and referring to personal experiences. With Edmundson’s support the reader is able to get a different outlook of how education is viewed and how to look past certain perceptions and make right decisions.
Throughout the essay Edmundson is able to inflict his emotions throughout the essay. Edmundson states that if, “your going to get a real education you may have to be aggressive and assertive”, …show more content…

The statement, “Education is about finding out what form of work for you is close to being play”, informs the reader on how important it is about having passion for what you do. (Edmundson 9) The form of work you choose should be something pleasing to you; the statement’s meaning helps to reveal how beneficial it is to choose a form of work that restores to you. (Edmundson 9) By providing the example of the student who avoided medical school but instead chose to do what he is passionate about which is teaching and writing books provided truth in how in what Edmundson was …show more content…

Edmundson is able to prolong a friendly yet serious tone within the essay. In the opening of his argument he starts by congratulating and welcoming the reader. Edmundson makes it seem as if we were at a graduation ceremony. The tone here is very warm and approaching. He goes on stating to “work hard” and “getting good grades” and in the amount of four years you’ll be ready for life, educated and all. The reader can sense a little bit of humor peeking out every now and then. But as the reader transitions further into the story we see a slight shift in tone. Edmundson starts off by saying not to believe into the idea of how in four years you’ll be ready for life. (Edmundson 9) He successfully sets up this dystopia of a constant struggle and battle over education as he is going back and forth referencing throughout the essay. The reader is also able to see another shift in tone as well as it goes from friendly to a more serious approach. When Edmundson refers to, “education having one salient enemy and that enemy is education”, we are able to realize the seriousness in his voice. (Edmundson 2) For example, when Edmundson mentions “people leave school as servants” and, “back breaking loans” and lastly “to be poor in America is to be a failure”; the reader can recognized these statements as degrading assumptions that are attached to education. The tone displayed here helps also helps the reader