Analysis Of When You Reach Me By Rebecca Stead

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In the book “When You Reach Me” by Rebecca Stead, one theme that is developed through the entirety of the story is: People should not assume things about people, these judgements about people aren't always right. One example were the theme shows is Miranda’s feelings toward Annemarie and Julia. Julia and Annemarie were best friends, and Miranda did not think highly of them at the beginning of the book. Miranda does not like them. Miranda thinks, “Julia I hated. Annemarie I never thought about much.” (Stead 34) Through the course of the book, Annemarie becomes Miranda’s best friend. Miranda found out that Annemarie was not the boring quiet kid Miranda thought her out to be. Miranda’s assumptions about Annemarie were not true, and this was the same for Julia too. When Julia gets sick of Miranda hating her, Julia says to Miranda “‘I’m talking about way before that. You’ve hated me forever. You’ve been giving me dirty looks since like the third grade! Are you going to pretend you haven’t?’” (Stead 93) Miranda made a false assumption, and judged …show more content…

Marcus and Miranda got onto a bad start after he punched Miranda’s friend Sal, in the stomach. After this Miranda hates Marcus, even though she has no idea why he punched Sal. When Marcus does tell Miranda he says “‘Anthony told me ‘one day you’re gonna have to hit someone. And get hit yourself. Then you you’ll see. Maybe. Maybe you’ll understand life a little better’ And I wanted to understand life better. To understand people better. So the next day, I walked over and hit Sal. And then I stood there I just stood there like an idiot and waited for him to hit me back. But he just bet over and cried, and I didnt know what to do, so I just walked away.” (Stead 177) Miranda thought that Marcus was some ruthless best that went around punching little kids. Miranda was wrong when she assumed this, and found out that Marcus was just a falsely led