Analysis Of Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria?

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The book, Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? addresses the topics of racial identity, racism, and the phenomenon of self-segregation. This book is written by Beverly Daniel Tatum, a psychologist who has given presentations on “Talking to Children about Race”, “Interrupting the Cycle of Oppression”, and “Understanding Racial Identity Development”. Tatum wrote this book in hope that with the right education and willingness to understand that soon our world could change. Tantum defines racism as “a system of advantage based on race” (Tatum, 1997,pg. 22), after defining racism Tantum discusses how racism by her definition only applies to Whites. She states this because Whites are the majority; therefore they have the …show more content…

83). Tantum explains that White people are “the norm” in American society. She states that Whites should embrace their Whiteness however when Whites begin to develop a self-identity they need to make sure that they don’t end up with a superiority complex. She explains that most Whites will tend not to change racism because of the fact that racism doesn’t directly affect them. Instead racism gives them privileges; but Tantum does state that with White allies there is a hope for a future without racism. However, since Whites are the majority without allies from those who are in power things will never …show more content…

Understanding your personal biases and cultural values is the first area. Such as growing up I always had a deep fear of African Americans. This was because I had a subconscious bias against them because my father had always told me that African American’s would hurt me because I was a European American female. Also culturally, European Americans tend to express opinions that African Americans are criminals, lazy, and beneath European Americans. One way that I will work to increase my cultural competence in this area is when I am placed in an uncomfortable situation, such as a discussion about racism, I will try and appreciate the difference between others and myself. Instead of trying to avoid the situation, deny that racism doesn’t still exist, being defensive of the topic, or devaluing the need to discuss racism