Analysis Of Why Returning Grizzlies To The North Cascades

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In the editorial by Ron Judd titled “Why returning grizzlies to the North Cascades is the right thing to do” found on the Seattle Times’ website, Mr. Rudd states his case for the reintroduction of Grizzly bears into the North Cascade Mountains of Washington State. He makes the argument that fatal interactions between hikers and bears are not a valid argument against reintroduction because the rarity of these encounters and the rarity of aggressive bears. He also cites some of his personal experiences encountering these animals and both his own and their reaction. Mr. Rudd uses this information to paint a picture that the bears are not as dangerous as commonly believed, using as an example the presence of grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park which sees many more visitors than the North Cascades. Another point that Rudd discusses is his belief that bears are an important part of the wilderness experience, he shares his feelings after one of those encounters: “With senses heightened off the charts, it was as if I had stopped observing the natural world, and for the first time, stepped all the way into it. …show more content…

Judds arguments. First, I could not agree with him more that the presence of large predators such as grizzly bears greatly enhance the wilderness experience. When I am in the woods, sometimes I day dream and do not really see the natural beauty around me. As soon as I see a fresh grizzly footprint on the trail all of that changes, my view of the forest goes from a two dimensional cursory glance to a three dimensional view as my senses are heightened and focused to detect the presence of something much more powerful than myself. It is good for us to be reminded to be respectful and humble in the