Analysis: Should Teenagers Be Tried As Adults

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Teenagers that commit crimes should be charged as juveniles rather than adults. It is unfair to consider teenagers as adults when they are not in many other circumstances. A group of people cannot be considered one thing in one circumstance and then another thing in another circumstance. To consider teenagers to be adults when they commit a crime is truly preposterous and just doesn't make sense because teenagers are still growing and their brains are still developing. Teenagers should not be considered adults when they commit a crime. In the article, the author explains how teenagers are considered juveniles in other activities, so they should not be considered something else in another circumstance. Teenagers are unable to “join the military, buy cigarettes ,or vote” because they are minors (“When Should Teens Be Tried As Adults”). Teenagers cannot be considered adults if they commit a crime if they are not considered to be adults in other areas. We also can’t treat juveniles as adults because of the juvenile justice system and because it will change our society. To consider juveniles offenders as adults will force the world “to take a critical step backward as a society” …show more content…

According to the FBI’s Crime in the United States, “73% of minors that were arrested were in between the ages of 15 and 17” (Flowers). This proves that most minors who commit crimes are between the age of 15 and 17 ,but it does not support the fact that minors should be tried as adults. According to Michelle Inderbitzin, “adolescents’ brains are still forming and teenagers are still less mature than adults” (Inderbitzin). People between the age of 15 and 17 are still teenagers and they are still in school. Their brains and still developing and they are still learning, so it simply doesn't make sense to consider them as