Should Juveniles Be Tried As Adults Essay

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There is an estimate of about at least 7,100 juvenile defendants who were charged with felonies in adult criminal. In the articles we have read there are two sides to each story. In these stories we hear why the should be tried as adults and why they shouldn’t. Should juveniles be tried as adults? From what i have been learning and listening to both sides of a story. I can personally say that juveniles should not be tried as adults. Yes they might have done something dumb and stupid but as young people they can be rehabilitated and deserve a second chance. I believe i’m not the only one who was told as a child to forgive and forget yes someone can do something bad once one stupid decision can get someone into big trouble ones they continue doing something wrong that when yes I agree give them a worst punishment but it's just one they should have a right to redeem themselves. In the article Kids Are Kids-Until They Commit Crimes written in March 1, 2001 Sacramento Bee by Marjie Lundstorm she talks about how we treat teenagers as children all the …show more content…

she begged for the life of her unborn child as he shot her.” Yes it’s a sad story but she never once mentioned the story of the young teen. What if the teen was forced to shot her and her husband in the video we saw in class a young teen the age of 17 was placed in prison for 13 years because he robbed a store but the store clerk never knew the young boy robbed because, someone was forcing him to. yes it was bad of him to rob but then he could have been killed. we shouldn’t just look at one story we should look at both sides of the story before we ever judge the and make a