Juveniles Should Be Rehabilitated Essay

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Imagine that you are 17 and assaulted or killed a person by accident. They have found you guilty and decided to put you in an adult institution with level 4 maximum security, which is very violent. How would you feel? This has happened to juveniles before, they were tried as adults and some sent to life in prison.
Juveniles should be rehabilitated and given a second chance instead of being tried as an adult and placed in jail or sentenced to death because a kid’s brain has not yet fully developed and it could help make them a better person.

To begin, an adolescent's cerebrum is not fully grown yet. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, “The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or …show more content…

One 15-year-old boy named Hernan Carvente was able to turn his life around and learn from his mistake. According to the article, Juvenile Justice, “He was arrested and then sentenced to two-to-six years in prison... While in custody, Carvente received counseling and other support… Now 25, Carvente earned a bachelor’s degree and is planning to go to graduate school.”

Carvente was sent to jail after he shot a rival gang member in New York and was sentenced to juvenile jail for four years. While he was in prison, he got counseling which helped turn his life around and make him a better person. Juveniles are teenagers usually younger than 18 years old, but it varies depending on the state you live in. If we rehabilitate and give adolescents a second chance, they would be able to turn their life around and become something more than a killer.

In addition, "Prison Is Too Violent for Young Offenders", a New York Times article states, “... the Supreme Court banned the death penalty for juvenile offenders because ‘people under 18 are immature, irresponsible, susceptible to peer pressure and often capable of