Juveniles Tried As Adults Essay

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Why are juvenile being tried as an adult?Ever since 1990 and 2010 many juveniles have been tried as an adult and been sent to adult jails or prisons.Some minors are transferred from a juvenile facilities to the adult system but when they are transferred,juveniles must be separated from any adult inmate and not interact with them.However,some states either refuse to follow those laws or stated that they will comply only to stall on progress. Juveniles that are being held in the adult system at a young age can have a lot bad experience there.There might be some things that made a juvenile being tried as an adult like how they committed an act of violence,if one of their family member are in prison or jail and had maybe been influenced by them,how their background surrounding is,or the people they hang out with.Those are some reason for why a juvenile are being tried as an adult. …show more content…

Another reason why juveniles are being tried as adults is when they’re with a group of people that have committed something bad.From all the states in the U.S,California is one of the states that most of the juveniles are being held in jail.The neighborhoods in California are really dangerous there because of the gang shootings happening there and there are some teens that are in gang and start committing those things.There are some juveniles that have maybe been influenced by a family member that has been in jail or is currently in jail and made them be in a