Kids Should Be Tried As Adults

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Juveniles when convicted in a court of a law for heinous crimes they should be held accountable as adults, therefore they should be tried as an adult. When kids are convicted for a crime they should be considered as an adult because in their mind they are cautious of what they are doing or perhaps while they were growing up they experience a lot of violence and it may affected their mind for the future. Kids that are ages 11 and up should be considered as an adult because kids such as teenagers should be responsible for their actions. Kids that are ages 11 and older should be considered as an adult. Even though kids that are ages 11 or higher aren’t fully mature enough they still know what’s right and what’s wrong. All teens should know that …show more content…

For example, in the article “Teens sentenced in slaying with bat”, by Ann M. Simmons is about a 13 year old boy kills a 15 year boy with a baseball bat for being bullied before the game started, and the bullied kept provoking the victim, it’s obvious that the boy will get upset and would want to get his rage out on him. So when the victim was tired of being teased and being humiliated by his racial skin color he hit the bully with the bat twice. One hit on the leg and one hit on the head which killed the bully. According to Ann M. Simmons states, “In January, an appeals court ruled that the teen acted in the heat of passion and reduced his conviction to involuntary manslaughter”. Basically the quote is saying that the boy was in the “heat of passion” which means he got provoked to a point where he lost his normal capacity and self-control and caused him to rage out but he didn’t mean to hurt or kill the boy but, yet he took actions for what he did. The boy could have stopped after the first hit but he decided to hit him with a second hit on the head just to let his rage out, but yet he was cautious …show more content…

It’s the violence they see at home with their parents or someone, the violence they see on TV or even the violence they see out on the streets. Most of the time the violence you see can affect your childhood life and impacts your life on the future. Children are fast learners when they are little they are curious of learning and experiencing new different things every day. Once a child hears something new from their vocabulary like a specific word or phrase they’ve heard they will be now saying that specific word or phrase until they learn a new word to say, it’s the same way when they see an action or movement done by someone else, the child will keep on repeating the same activity until they learn a new technique. Whatever a child sees’ or hears, it will automatically be recorded inside their mind because children’s minds are still expanding. Sometimes the things they learn can be bad and sometimes it can affect the child while growing up. Therefore, parents should be careful what their kids are watching now a day because cartoons that have violence in it can sometimes persuade the child to do something awful. Kids that are ages 3-10 shouldn’t be eligible of watching or seeing violence in any sort of way because then later on it can affect their mindset because kids are still developing their minds. Kids that are at that age they are barely