Analytical Essay: Do Diamonds Come From Coal?

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Do Diamonds Come from Coal?
Coal and diamonds share a common foundation, or base - the element carbon, represented by C in the periodic table. Carbon-based plant life forms, most commonly originated from plants,are transformed in coal by pressure - however, coal is far from a pure form. Pressure is also the key factor that plays a role in transforming carbon into diamonds.

A terribly common misconception that’s persist for decades is that diamonds are made from the metamorphism of coal. However, this theory is highly unlikely because most diamonds are so pre-historic, they actually date back millions of year. Therefore, most naturally-occurring diamonds are older than all plant life on Earth, which is the source material of coal. This fact alone should be sufficient to shut down the myth that Earth’s diamond …show more content…

Thank Superman for this lie. Throughout the decades, Superman TV shows, movies, and comic books featured the fabled Kryptonian taking lumps of coal and pressing them in the palm of his hands to render sparkling diamonds. Interesting twist in the Superman series, but this fairy tale would never actually work in real life, and has led thousands to make a connection between the origins of diamond deposits as coal.
What is the Real Origin of Diamonds?

Now that it’s been established that coal was not even around pre historically when the process of diamond formation began. Interestingly, this “diamonds from coal” myth is so widespread, it’s even taught in some classrooms today! While there may be a slight crossing over, coal has rarely played any role in the diamond creation process.

Another difference between the formation of diamond verses the formation of coal, is that coal manifests are horizontal or close to horizontal rock units composed of sedimentary rocks. In contrast, diamonds’ source rocks consist of pipes that are vertical and filled with igneous