Analyzing And Interpretation Of The Bible By Richard Gonzalez

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In this book, the main point Gonzalez wants the reader to understand first and foremost is just being able to see the Bible through the eyes of a person of Hispanic decent. This forces the reader to see the Bible in a whole new perspective. It’s vital that each person should be able to understand biblical concepts and be able to identify with them. It’s part of what makes the Word so powerful for many. The author feels an importance to point out that it is critical that every person be able to have this type of connection to the Scripture, understanding that backgrounds and life views play a role in this type of comprehension. According to Gonzalez in order for spiritual growth he feels these things are critical to all believers alike. There …show more content…

Gonzalez looks into Biblical stories as they are seen through the Hispanic eyes of the people with a natural cultural understanding of being a stranger in a strange land. Not only having this culture but also dealing with the issues of poverty and marginality. Gonzalez states that interpretation of the Bible should be balanced in terms and perspective as earlier stated. The Bible cannot be interpreted unilaterally or in other words only fully understood by only one group of people. Rather, it be more universal and understood by all. Scripture to those who believe is the source of hope and strength for the powerless and the poor by reading the text interactively. What we can do through the five varying themes discussed in this book is being able to appreciate the themes and experiences of our Hispanic brothers and sisters in Christ. Clearly, I see Gonzalez’s aim and in the idea of understanding the Bible through one’s own context and perspective. When any reader engages the biblical text in dialogue their conditions and personal perspective will play a role in the understanding of the scripture and how Scripture speaks to them. By understanding this, we can appreciate differences and learn from them as well. It also seems that, Gonzalez did not ,in complete detail show the importance of the general public in his ideas of perspectival view of the Hispanic paradigms or model. Though he did pose a general Hispanic paradigms from the whole Hispanic community, there was something that he may of missed. Each perspective or life view can be scrutinized and filtered through the larger population. In other words, it is about how Hispanic views can be balanced along side the universal church. This book overall, gave me a lot to think about with the understanding that no matter of race and nationality we all have very