Analyzing Different Substances Lab Report

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Lab Report
By: Amiya Kamal 7B


The purpose of this experiment is to analyse different substances and see their reaction with each other substances. This experiment is also to examine the particle theory of each mixture.


Water - Salt
Homogeneous Mixture
The salt will dissolve into the water and it would look cloudy.
Water - Flour
Heterogeneous Mixture
The flour will dissolve into the water but it will still have clumps of flour in it. It will also be thicker.
Water - Cornstarch
Heterogeneous Mixture
It would be thick and more cloudy.
Water - Vinegar
Homogeneous Mixture
The substance would be same but it would have a higher smell.
Vinegar - Baking Soda
Homogeneous Mixture
It will create a …show more content…

(ex: salt, vinegar, etc).
Controlled variables are things that can’t be adjusted such as temperature, beaker and time of day.


Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon
6 Beakers


Water - Salt:

First, take a beaker and fill it with 200 ml of water
Then, take one tsp (5 ml) of salt and pour it into the beaker
After that, take a stir stick and stir contents together
The result will turn out to be a solution

Water - Flour:

First, take a beaker and fill it with 200 ml of water
Then, take 5 ml (1 tsp) of flour and pour it into the beaker
After that, take a stir stick and mix the two substances together
The result will turn out to be a solution

Water - Cornstarch:

First, take a beaker and fill it with 200 ml of water
Then, take 5 ml (1 tsp) of cornstarch and pour it into the beaker
After that, take a stir stick and stir contents together
The result will turn out to be a solution

Water - Vinegar:

First, take a beaker and fill it with 100 ml of water
Next, take 100 ml of vinegar and pour it into the beaker
After that, take a stir stick and stir contents together
The result will turn out to be a