Immediately following World War I, an artistic, social, and cultural movement known as the “Harlem Renaissance” began to flourish in a small area of New York City called Harlem. African Americans either succumbed to the discrimination, or took a stand against the rest of society. They were finally free, but were subjected to poor quality lives due to the fact that most African Americans during the early to mid 1900s lacked the education they needed in order to acquire better jobs and to reach the American Dream. It is apparent that life for African Americans living in America during the early to mid 1900s was difficult, and that they faced many hardships. Segregation was a common issue for black families in America, and they were unwanted in …show more content…
Achieving the American Dream seemed impossible for African Americans during the early to mid 1900s. In A Raisin in The Sun the interpretation of the American Dream changes from generation to generation. Mama has always been concerned with the general happiness and welfare of her family, by getting the check she would be able to purchase a home, that in her eyes is ultimately the American Dream, where as for Walter it is wanting a liquor store and becoming rich. Momma was disappointed in Walter because he was not living up to his father 's expectations and being a provider for his family. She expressed her feelings by telling Walter that "Something has changed. You something new, boy. In my time we was worried about not being lynched and getting to the North if we could and how to stay alive and still have a pinch of dignity too”(Hansberry 74). For Momma escaping slavery alone was a big step towards the American Dream for African Americans, but Walters generation was never satisfied with the little things in life, causing an issue amongst the different generations. Hansberry is trying to show how the American Dream was only obtainable for the Youngers because big Walter had passed away, and it was not achieved through hard