Analyzing The Social Interaction Of Queer In Rainbow Bar

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4.5. Data Presentation The data will be presented in three parts according to the theories used so that the thesis will be organized while the writing style will be simple as possible so that any person can access it. For this matter, I will adopt the KISS (Keep It Short and Simple or Keep It Sure and Safe) and be KISSABLE (Keep it Informative, Stimulating, Satisfying, Accurate, Believable, Likeable and Enlightening) principle of the journalists. Furthermore, I will also use direct quotation from the participants because they add color to the thesis and ultimately, they will both serve as an evidence for researcher's analysis. Concerning whose voices will be heard in the research, Padgett identify two dimensions of voice. The etic-emic dimension …show more content…

4.6. Data Analysis This thesis will use three theories. First, the Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism will be dealing with the social interaction of queer in Rainbow Bar. This will help me find out how the queer create their world through the meanings that they attached to the language, verbal and nonverbal, that they used and objects in the bar. Second, Crenshaw's Intersectionality will be used as a theory of oppression from the individual to societal level. This will help me to determine factors which affect their interaction in the bar and further reinforced their minority status. Lastly, Foucault's concept of power will be used as a theory of empowerment of queer. Using this theory, I will discuss how the queer subvert their marginalized status. These theories will therefore provide a holistic view of my research topic because all of them offer a bottom-up analysis. Furthermore, Symbolic Interactionism and Foucault’s power offer micro-level analysis while Intersectionality offers a multi-dimensional analysis. 4.7. The Ethical Concerns of the Research My thesis will be dealing with the private and sensitive lives of the queer. Therefore, I must first ask their permission to do a research in the bar. For this purpose, I will adopt the free and prior informed consent (FPIC) concept of the National Commission of Indigenous Peoples (NCIP). The 2002 and 2006 FPIC Guidelines break the FPIC into three kinds of consent in which they provide a definition for each one. First, the free consent means "free from any external manipulation, interference and coercion (Calde, Ciencia Jr. and Rovillos 2013). All potential research participants will be given a choice to be or not be a part of the research. If the person decided to become research participant then, he /she will be given a choice to remain anonymous or not in thesis. Moreover, if a research participant does not want to proceed in the research,