The Gambler Thesis Statement

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The story of ‘The Gambler’ by Paolo Bacigalupi is linked a lot to what media in our society is like today. This story shows how big of an impact media can have on our lives and how it can persuade or change a persons perspective on a certain belief or interest someone might have. When looking at this story through a media perspective, it is shown how its not always what issues or topics are important, it is more about what kind of media can be publicized that will be appealing to the public. When looking at ‘The Gambler’, Janice states exactly this to Ong; “No! Hell, no! This is just another story like your butterfly story, and your road contracts story, and your congressional budget story. You won’t get a damn click. It’s pointless. No one will even read …show more content…

Janice explains to Ong that the idea of publishing a story about a flower going extinct will not interest the public in any way. When I read this story, it made me realize that people in our society are more interested in topics that are found popular, and shocking. Environmental, social, or political issues are not as heavily looked on as celebrity issues, or sport issues. A worthy example of this would be all the attention Bruce Jenner got during her transformation into Caitlyn Jenner. It’s not something that should be concerning the public, but we’re interested in this issue because it provides shock value to people and is something that is out of the ordinary. I think that in this generation, it is not always going to be what you want to publish, or what you find interesting, but more about what can be published so that more people will discuss it more frequently. I have agreed with what perspective this story has to offer because it is sadly the reality of what media in our world is like today. It really is a choice between popularity and importance when it comes down to