Analyzing Viktor Mayer Schonberger's Video 'Right To Be Forgotten'

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In this video, Viktor Mayer Schonberger discussed issues such as “The Right to Be Forgotten” and why remembering can be dangerous for society as well as for individual. The video starts with excellent real life examples of Stacy Snyder, a job applicant at university who has lost her opportunity to pursue career of teacher because she shared photo of inappropriately hanging out with friends in public. This photo cost her career of teacher for which she was eligible by every other ways. Similarly, he gave another example of Andrew Feldmar, a Canadian citizen who was banned from entering U.S. by the immigration officer because he failed to disclose that he took LSD 40 years earlier. These examples explain what you share online is not only yours and in what ways it can cost you. It also justifies what Viktor says in video once it’s put on the web it’s never forgotten. …show more content…

Even he points out that, forgetting is easy for human beings but remembering is harder and costly. In short for humans “Forgetting is the default, remembering the exception.” This video has explained both good and bad aspects of internet’s ability to remember information for elongated period. The advantage of comprehensive remembering can be divided into four major parts; Digitization, advancement in storage technology, disseminating information and information efficiency & accuracy. Digitization, advancement in storage technology, disseminating information and information efficiency & accuracy has made world better place to live with each of its benefits. Internet’s ability of comprehensive remembering has consequences far beyond its advantages. The disadvantages listed are time and power. Power over information may translate