Anamorphosis: An Optical Illusion In Art

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Anamorphosis: It is a Greek word originated in 17th century that means to transform (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2015). It is a popular optical illusion in art history. This is a mind-twisting form of artistry by means of distorted portrayal of an image requiring the viewer to use a dedicated device to see the hidden image. Using anamorphosis is the best way to project a message through artistic forms with special characteristics that can be perceived only for the intended viewers. Previously, anamorphic designs were treated as secret images for the purpose of not showing an erotic drawing, oftentimes, images of sensitive politically motivated representations. One of the famous application of anamorphic design was the portrait of King Charles …show more content…

When a design is curve, it is likely appreciated as a beautiful object as compared to linearity. The affection for curves was understood by Neuroscientist as not a matter of personal choice but really a matter of sub-consciousness that connects our feelings of appreciation (Jaffe, 2013). Alexandra Hart, a designer/goldsmith uses curvilinear forms with spikes and tentacles for her jewelry creations. Majority of her work are formed by hammering sheet metal into sinuous curves and bends (DeDominicis, 2009). In designing the furniture settings, Dazki and Read have even concluded the influence of curvilinear lines. According to them, interiors with increased curvature promotes feelings of happiness, calmness, and relaxation. In southeastern Papua New Guinea, a two-dimensional curvilinear style defines their art culture. The concept of curvilinear can be demonstrated by infinite pattern that is extensively used in Islamic Artistry. Islamic Art involves numerous patters represented by curves and interconnected lines (Chambers Science and Technology Dictionary, 1991). Leonardo da Vinci, one of the famous and well-known painter, was reported to be fascinated in Islamic Artistry as it uses substantial time working out these complicated patterns (Briggs, …show more content…

It is commonly used in many design fields like user interface, web design, ceramics, and interior design. Designers find this with conflicting controversy because it can be perceived as simple as a décor while for some it may add comfort for more personal and attractive design (Wijaya, 2015). It began in the 1980s and the one of the earliest proponents was Steve Jobs of Apple (Interaction Design Foundation, 2016). In our technology today, the most recent application of Skeuomorphism is the arrival of smartwatch in the market that mimic the analogue watch experience in which the real world and digital are as one (Interaction Design Foundation, 2016). Web designers tend to contrast skeuomorphism with flat design. It is a type of simple design for usability. Microsoft for instance, one of the biggest technology company, applies this design to their user interface and Google’s Android operating system is one of the more prevalent examples of the flat design philosophy. Moreover, it is also famous for website designs and was used by that creates an impression of a real book. Their website was designed to mimic the feeling of personally turning a real book pages with the essence of sounds in between. This website is a good example of visual and audio skeuomorphism (Bailey,

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