Analytical Marxist Analysis

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Introduction : the birth of Analytical Marxism. What is Analytical Marxism ? In the middle of the 19th century, Karl Marx publishes the Manifesto of the Communist Party, leading to the emergence of a new body of doctrine, Marxism. This Marxism relied on three main ideas : a philosophical anthropology, a theory of history and an economic and political program. Marx believed that the individual was not truly free because he was alienated. This alienation is the product of the market product, the division of labour and the division of society into classes that are antagonistic to each other. Marxism is not a unified theory. It can be defined as “a family of theories united by a common terrain of debate and question”. Thus, these last few years marked a decline of the consensus among marxists over many of the main elements of their own theoretical tradition. While the Hungarian Marxist philosopher György Lukács, stated that the difference that characterizes Marxism was no in its conclusions but in its methodological commitments, the Analytical Marxists claimed the contrary. Marxism came first in the British universities during the 1960s but it didn’t become a dominant perspective in academic departments. However, it acquires great intellectual influences and became respected in a wide range of academic studies. Regarding Analytical Marxism, it appeared in the late 1970s within this newly influential academic marxism. The first Analytical Marxists believed that Marxism …show more content…

Then, we will focus on the three main Analytical Marxists being Cohen, Roemer and Elster. Then, we are going to examine the Marxist rational choice theory, as one of the sub theory of the analytical marxist doctrine Finally, we will consider its impact and find some critics of the