Theories Of Adam Smith, David Ricardo And Karl Marx

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Adam Smith, David Ricardo or Karl Marx are known for many as the pioneers of contemporary economies. Their Work and researches were the bases of most of nowadays economic models used by countries around the world. Adam Smith, David Ricardo and their followers were labeled as the classical economists when later on Karl Marx and his followers were labeled as the Marxists. These two economic schools were some of the biggest in history, but yet differed in many ways. Through this paper, we would discuss the says of the Classical and Marxism schools concerning their views on wages, their different opinions about the theory of value, their sides about capital accumulation and finally the different point of view of the schools regarding the diminishing returns.

Views on Wages.

On his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Adam smith says: “The produce of labour constitutes the natural recompence or wages of labour.” (Smith). For economists such as David Ricardo or Adam Smith, determinants of wages were structured depending on different factors. These factors would be: the agreeable of the occupation, the costs of getting the skills and knowledge, the regularity of employment, the level of trust, and the probability of success. For them all the pros and cons of the different type of jobs would lead to a general equality. When the demand for labor rises, wages will rise above the minimum which is the subsistence wage and what employers pay