Ancient Chinese People Research Paper

1225 Words5 Pages

Millie Knott 7B

“In what ways did the important people, beliefs and geographical features influence the lives of the Ancient Chinese People?”

The Ancient Chinese were influenced by many different things, including important people, beliefs and geographical features that changed the lives of others.

Prince Shi Huang was born in 259 BC and was the first ever emperor of China. Shi Haung-Di was a well educated boy and studied China's history and war. When he was thirteen his father died and so he became king at a very young age. He battled all of the seven states, conquering Han, Zhao, Wei and Chu leaving Yan and Qi which both fell easily, meaning that Shi Huang-Di was the first emperor of China. …show more content…

Buddhism was based off the teachings of Buddha who was born in Nepal just of south China in 563 BC. He did not claim to be a prophet or a God, but was instead a man who became open-minded and understood life in the deepest possible way. Buddhism influenced the lives of many Chinese people, as the main religion before it, Brahmanism, allowed many complicated acts which required high religious class. Buddhism’s beliefs however were simpler and easy to follow, focusing on giving, sacrifice and honour, the main reason for its popularity. Buddhists also believe in Karma, the belief that all actions have consequences so the actions and decisions you make will come back in the future to either hurt you or help you. Buddhism was a new age of religion that saw focus on the man/women himself instead of a spirit or God which moved away from the normal religious beliefs. Both of these ideas jolted Brahmanism out of the position of most popular religion in China, changing the way ancient Chinese society forever.

Confucianism is also known to be a major belief in China. Not long after the religion Taoism was founded and Confucism was born in 551 BC. Confucianism was more about following the rules and the government. Confucius talked about how people should live and behave but did not write these down his followers did. They also believed in being polite and treating others with respect and fairness. He also said that family was very important and treating all relatives with love and

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