
Ancient Chinese Research Paper

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The Ancient Chinese were famous for their inventions. They were innovative and determined, enhancing daily necessity, by creating some of the most important things in history (Adhikari). Ancient China held leading positions in many fields in studying nature in the world (Wang). Most people are aware of the top four greatest inventions, being: paper-making, movable type writing, gunpowder, and the compass (Wang). Ancient Chinese invented much more than just these four, there are countless inventions by them some including alcohol, the mechanical clock, tea production, silk, the wheelbarrow, and the seismograph. Dating as far back as the Paleolithic period, they were always ahead of the world for creating valuable goods (Adhikari). Paper-Making, …show more content…

A man named Bi Sheng, invented movable type printing, making it quicker and easier (Wang “Movable Type Printing”). This invention quickly spread to Europe and then eventually all throughout the world (Palermo).Without the importance of paper and printing from China, Europe would have continued for much longer to copy books by hand, in a painful and slow process that could take more than a year for each book (Pages). The printing consist of the four stages: making the types, composing the text, printing and retrieving the movable types (Adhikari “Movable-type …show more content…

During the Han Dynasty, Tea was used as a medicine as well as a beverage served at social gatherings (Adhikari Tea Production). The world’s oldest and largest living tea tree can be found in Lin Cang, China (Wang “Tea Production”). Since the great discovery of tea in Ancient China, tea has rapidly grown popular throughout all of the world. China is far and away the largest consumer of tea, at 1.6 billion pounds a year (Ferdman). Silk, being one of the oldest fibers in the world, discovered at Yangshao culture site in Xiaxian County, Shanxi Province, China (Wang “Silk”). The invention of silk was dated back to the 4th millennium, aside from clothing, silk was used for writing, fishing, and musical instruments (Adhikari “Silk”). For many centuries businessmen transported silk from China to the West, forming the famous Silk Road (Wang “Silk”). With 6,400 miles, Silk Road was considered as one of the major developments in the Chinese history that makes China prosperous (Adhikari

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