
Ancient Greek Gods Research Paper

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Have you ever thought of how many types of gods there are and how strong they are? The ancient Greeks always had this on their mind, because there were different types of gods such as titan gods, underworld gods, and sky gods. The ancient Greeks always thought that gods ruled from the top of mount Olympus so that's why they held their olympics at the bottom so they can please the gods. Additionally, there were demigods, monsters, and heros. People had thought that gods had enough power to change their life at any moment. Greek gods were used all throughout Greek history and were honored. Ancient Greeks thought that the gods had started a flood so strong it would wipe out all of mankind. Ares had a big family, weird History, physical appearance and symbols, celebrations, and some interesting facts. …show more content…

Ares’s dad is Zeus the god of lighting and father of most gods. His mother was Hera the goddess of love, and childbirth. Ares’s lover was Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty. Additionally , Ares had some divine children Nike, and Eros. Also, Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus but had an affair with Ares. Ares had a brother and it’s a surprise because his brother is Hephaestus, so he had an affair with his brother’s wife. He had plenty of sisters but the most well known ones are Hebe, Eileithyia, and Eris. Ares also had some mortal children and they were named Romulus and Remus. So, this sums up Ares’s large

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