And Then There Were None Guilt

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And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie was the book I read this month, it incorporated 300 pages. This novel took place on Soldier Island. When I read this book, I did not gain any historical information. The back cover of the book intrigued me because all the characters were headed to mysterious island, without any knowledge about it. Each character’s hardships captivated me because of the interesting outcome it could have one themselves. The theme of the book was that there will always be effects of guilt on one’s conscience even if one is innocent. Ten people were headed to a mansion located on Soldier Island after they received a letter from an anonymous person. Soon after the guests arrived, they were greeted with a large dinner; …show more content…

This character trapped ten people on an island and faked his own death just to serve, what he thought, was justice. Not me! One part of this book is very shocking. In this part, only two people are left alive on Soldier Island, Philip and Vera, either of which could have been the killer. Vera snuck out with a revolver, and unfortunately killed Philip. After her horrendous act, Vera was filled with guilt and ended up hanging herself. Although Vera killed Philip, she was not the killer of the other guests, instead it was Justin Wargrave. Justin is, “a man of law”,so he wanted the ten guests on Soldier Island to pay for their crimes they committed, I learned something about life in this book. I learned that a person should not guilt themselves into believing they are the culprit in any scenario. Sometimes people feel pressured to blame themselves for something that they did not do, which could have a horrible outcome. After the characters received a suspicious message accusing them of murder they all became worried about the people they were with. Shortly after, they discovered out one of the ten guest, Anthony Marston, died. With the information the rest of the guest gathered, they believed he committed suicide out of sheer