And There's No Law Against Discrimination Based On Appearance

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Deborah L. Rhode explains, “Appearance must be seen not only as an aesthetic issue, but as a legal and police one as well.” In “Hooter Hires Based on Looks. And So Do Many Companies. And There 's No Law Against It.” Rhode explains that there is an unfair advantage for attractive people in their occupation, there is no law against discrimination based on looks, beauty standards are too high which leads to eating disorders, cosmetic surgery, and dissatisfaction with body image, and policies think that the reason discrimination is okay because they don 't know who is attractive. Initially, there isn 't a fair way the majority of employers hire because customers prefer attractive employees.
In the workforce, attractive people have an unjustifiable advantage that ugly people are born without: …show more content…

Hiring based on looks is extremely discriminatory. In “Hooters Hires Based on Looks. So Do Many Companies. And There 's No Law Against It.” Deborah L. Rhode claims that discrimination based on looks is a major issue that, however had no improvement so far. She says, “Discrimination on the basis of looks is deeply rooted and widely practiced, and there are obvious limits to how much legal and police strategies can affect it.” Some may say that hiring based on looks is just a business tactic, but actually judgement can push people over the edge to develop an eating disorder, undergo cosmetic surgery, and have dissatisfaction with their body image. If someone is discriminated, in view to the fact that they are ugly, they know that there is nothing that they could do about that. This shows the main idea of the author’s argument because she claims that appearance can become a legal issue. She seems to be biased towards women because she is apart of a movement called “WHAT WOMEN WANT”. Rhode uses pathos to convey emotion and pity the people that are being discriminated upon. Unfortunately, beauty discrimination emotionally scars people immensely, causing problems such as mental