Andrew Jackson And The Nullification Act Of 1832

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During the time of 1829 through 1837 was the seventh President of the United States of America. Many different acts or crisis was happening. Congress had a lot to deal with if it was with the Native Americans, African Americans, property lines, and banks. The mess that would be talked about further on in this document review had to deal with one state not wanting to pay the full amount of tax on goods. The of 1828 the Tariff of Abominations was set. This tariff was high duties on wool, hemp, flax, and fur (Professor Hall PowerPoint The Rise and Fall of Jacksonian Democracy). In the state of South Carolina, Senator John C. Calhoun went against the Tariff of Abominations and felt that the state had the right to cancel it. This led to many of …show more content…

A compromise was needed to be made, so Congress reduced the tariff, and the state of South Carolina backed down. For this to happen the Force Bill are necessary to be nullify. This reparation of taxes is still in use in today’s society. As in the next paragraph, the seventh President will be reviled and how this part of history is essentail. The President of the United States at this time was Andrew Jackson. During Jackson’s terms, he had to deal with a majority of significant issues. One of the topics was the Nullification Act in 1832. According to this document, it was Jackson’s view and voice about this matter. As he mentions “That the people of South Carolina will maintain the said ordinance at every hazard, and that they will consider the passage of any act by Congress…” (Henry Holt and Company 1898). What Jackson is trying to say is that the people who live in South Carolina must follow what Congress is saying or doing. If they do not follow what they tell them, it will be considered an independent state. Jackson did not want them to operate from the Union as he wants to repair or mend it back together. He understood both sides of this argument and wanted to meet both in the middle. If the state …show more content…

Within the same year, the Second National Bank had a crisis. Jackson had ordered the SNC to take $6 million to repay the remaining national debt (Profess Hall PowerPoint). Since the SNB did not follow what he said, he removed all the federal money out and placed it into several state banks. This showed all the people living in the United States that Jackson had a vision for the future and if you did not follow what was said, he would prove you wrong and take action into his own hands. Many people saw how he had the best intentions for the people. This then helped he when he was running for