Andrew Jackson Dbq

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Andrew Jackson “You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out” ("The War Against the Bank."). This is what Andrew Jackson said to the press about the second national bank. He was passionate about what he did during his Presidency. Jackson was headstrong, he had a plan from the beginning, about what he wanted to do while he was President and no one was going to change his mind because of that. Jackson was dedicated to his country and to the people, his choices during his presidency still affect our country today. Therefore, based on his decisions about the federal bank, the spoils system, and the Indian Removal Act, Jackson should be in the Presidential Hall of Fame for the …show more content…

Bank; Jackson declined it because he despised the idea of a bank that the bank belongs to the government. Since Jackson was at war against the bank, it was the worst in his eyes. Jackson did not dislike all banks, but he thought the U.S. bank was corrupt ("The War Against the Bank."). Jackson liked hard money, gold or silver instead of paper money. Nicholas Biddle was the leader of the bank when Jackson became President, and Jackson disliked him because he was from a rich family, and did not earn his way. Since Jackson went through a lot of hardships to take down the bank. He was criticized, thought of as a bad President, but no one likes every president. Even though Andrew Jackson thought the bank should be controlled by elected officials not handed down by generations of family. This was not the only reason people did not like him, he was also criticized for creating the spoil …show more content…

He thought they were animals and that Native Americans were in the way of advancement ("Andrew Jackson Speaks: Indian Removal Policy). He forced 5 tribes of Native Americans to move which was called the Trail Tears. By 1842 almost all of the Native American where across the Mississippi River. Andrew Jackson wanted the growth of the American people and he needed more room, as the population grew. He wanted the growth of the people and the advancement in technology and the Native Americans did not, they wanted it to stay the way it was but America grew large enough to support our country today. Andrew Jackson wanted his people to prosper and removed everything in the way, he was one of the elite president in American