Andrew Jackson Dbq

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1. John Quincy Adams He won the election of 1824 with the help of henry clay who then became his Secretary of State. He wanted to change and establish many things that angered many people, especially the southerners because they would have to suffer the taxes. The way he dealt with the Cherokee Indian tribe went against what the Georgians wanted. 2. Henry Clay He was one of the candidates in the election of 1824 against Andrew Jackson, William H. Crawford, and John Quincy Adams. At the end of the election he ended up helping Adams win against Jackson since they both hated him. After Adams was named president, he was made Secretary of State. 3. Denmark Vesey He led an abandoned slave rebellion in Charleston in 1822. He was a free black man …show more content…

Nicholas Biddle He supported Henry Clay fully in his fight to keep the bank of the United States’ charter. He also hated Jacksonians and Andrew Jackson himself. In 1833 Andrew Jackson decided to bury the bank. In a desperate attempt to prove how important the bank was Biddle produced a minor financial catastrophe. 5. John C. Calhoun He led the offense to nullify the tariff of abominations in the south. He also secretly wrote “The South Carolina Exposition.” While he was vice president he had to conceal his authorship. 6. Andrew Jackson In his first attempt to run for president he lost against Adams because of the electoral votes although in 1828 because of the qualification changes, more people were able to vote for him so he won. He had accused Adams of having a corrupt bargain in the election of 1824. In his early campaign he engaged in one of the most shocking displays of mudslinging. His wife had also endured many of the insults of being an adulteress and a bigamist, which Jackson later claimed caused her to have a heart attack. 7. Daniel Webster He offered congress a bill to restart the bank of the United States’ charter. He had partnered with clay before the chapter was even set to expire. This was the start of the bank war of in 1832. He was known for his success against the Indians and the British. He also very good for votes because he had no enemies or