Andrew Jackson Dbq

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Andrew Jackson was a democrat because he believed in the political and social equality of all people. For example, Jackson fought the federal bank because he felt that it was not accessible to the common people. He also put his loyal followers in office with him in order to do what was best for the country and its people. Jackson was elected by the people, not a state legislature as well. He used his political power to benefit the lives of those who were not represented as often in the government. Andrew Jackson fought against the federal bank due to its inaccessibility to the common people, as well as the fact that it held too much political power. For example, in “Andrew Jackson’s Bank Veto Message to Congress”, Jackson claims, “It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the …show more content…

In the “Changes in Elections Doc 1”, it is shown that by 1828, the year Jackson was elected, ten out of the twelve states shown had their presidential electors elected by the people. This proves that Jackson was a democrat because he, as well as the other candidates, were appointed by the people, as opposed to a small number of rich people in power. Secondly, in the “Changes in Elections Doc 2”, the supporters of Jackson shouted, “The people shall rule!” symbolizing that the power of the country was held by the people. This document also states, “Jackson’s victory accelerated the transfer of national power from the country house to the farm house”, meaning that the federal power was now held by the common people. This proves that Jackson was a democrat because with his presidency came the political equality of the wealthy and poor social classes. In summary, Andrew Jackson was a democrat because he ensured that the federal power was held by all people, as opposed to state legislatures or the wealthy social