Andrew Jackson Dbq Essay

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Andrew Jackson is a Democrat because of the changes in votes made by the people instead of the legislature over the years, the belief that not just experienced men could hold office but common people, and his vetoed message to congress about bank changes. The changes in how people were elected of the years is a big thanks to Andrew Jackson. Before he was elected most states elected people with legislatures. However when Andrew Jackson became president things started to change. When people voted Andrew Jackson they believed and wanted ruling to be done by the people as shown In document 2 of changes in elections. Looking at document 1 of changes in elections it is shown that during the years where most elections were done by the people was when …show more content…

Jackson believed that he would not help the banks that always gave power to the upper classes. He did not want it all to be done by them. He wanted more common people to be in control of the elite bank power rather than always having the higher class. As shown in document 2 of National Bank Controversy explains how Andrew Jackson messaged the congress about not accepting the modifications congress wanted to do for the bank. He explained that it didn’t seem necessary and that more common people should have the chance to have such power. Document 3 of National Bank Controversy is Daniel Webster’s reply to Jackson Message. He explains that Jackson is always against always having a higher class in charge. He also says Jackson Is always under the impression that under the higher classes' rule liberty will always fall. These two documents show that Jackson believed in the social and political views and equality of all people. He wanted others to have chances even if it meant implying that liberty may fall under the higher class. He got the message shared and tried to make an effort of change to get the social and political equality of