Andrew Jackson Dbq Essay

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Partner DBQ Writing During the 1820’s and 1830’s, Andrew Jackson was a prominent and representative figure of the era, however, he primarily represented the South. Andrew Jackson was from the South and represented Southern beliefs. He ignored Northern issues and focused on what he believed was most important regarding his morals– the South. Jackson appeared like a tyrannical king, which caused him to believe in the idea of sacrificing the lives of certain people for the “greater good”. Andrew Jackson accomplished many different policies in his era of presidency, and although he only benefited the South, he is still considered a representative figure. Many historians believed Andrew Jackson was a figure of representation for the country, but looking closer at his actions, it can be proven he only represented the southern part of the country. For this reason, Southerners would praise him, by saying he embodied the true spirit of the nation. He supported slavery and did not listen to anyone questioning the condition of a human. Slavery was important to the economy and lifestyle of the Southern states. Jackson also supported the South by, opposing the National Bank. Jackson felt it was unconstitutional and would negatively affect agrarian interests in the South. Policies that benefited the South in the way Jackson went …show more content…

He did seemingly nothing for the North, except object its benefits. The objection to the National Bank hindered the North which concentrated on industry. The bank would have aided the North, for example keeping a stable monetary system, and creating a standardized currency. Jackson also disregarded issues arising at the time, like women’s rights. Women faced great obstacles to improve their lives and overrule the laws that destroyed their independence. Jackson paid little attention to policies that did not appeal to him, which alienated large groups of