Andrew Jackson Dbq Essay

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Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, he served two terms from March 4, 1829 up until March 4, 1837 and was the first member of the democratic party to be elected president. Jackson fought his way into leadership was favored by the common people in hope that he would be a president for the people and not for the special interest of the rich. Andrew Jackson’s presidency was a stepping stone in american politics and would lead the way for future presidents to come especially ones in the same political party as him, the democrats. Andrew Jackson was a president for the people and helped the young United States expand and grow stronger as a democracy during his eight years in the white house. He used his presidential authority to the extent that he was allowed to help the United States grow to what it is today and help the american citizen throughout their struggle. …show more content…

He helped the american people by using his power in a correct and fair manner. Andrew Jackson helped americans by calling back unfair laws. For example Andrew Jackson vetoed the banks when he realized it would simply benefit the banks and not the american people. (Document F) He realized that the banks are bending the the rules a little too much for their own self interests and chose to put the banks back in place. The banks are runned and controlled by foreigners and rich Americans, not the american people like it should be. In response to Andrew Jackson attacking the banks, Daniel Webster delivered a message to Jackson. Daniel Webster didn’t like the fact Jackson was going to fix the banks which would in return stop making the rich richer. (Document G) Webster was only interested in the banks and argues that liberty is in danger whereas Jackson was interested in his nation and his