Andrew Jackson Dbq Essay

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Andrew Jackson’s presidency is one of the more debated presidencies in American history. Many see him as a hero while others view him as opposite. Depending on which history book is read, portrayals of him are sometimes of “the common man,” who attacked a political system that ignored the will of the common citizens. Other texts would portray Jackson as tyrant, one who disrespected many of the institutions outlined in the Constitution. He is usually celebrated by some because he defended the rights of the common people. Others, however, look down upon his removal of the Native Americans, a movement known as the Trail of Tears. Both of these conclusions are correct in the judgement of Jackson’s presidency. Many events that occurred while he was in office helped the development of our nation while at the same time led up to the events prior to the Civil War. Andrew Jackson ran for president in the …show more content…

The Tariff of 1832 was passed and it failed to moderate the protective barriers erected in earlier legislation. So South Carolina passed an ordinance of nullification in November of 1832, and threatened to secede from the nation if the federal government actually attempted to collect money from the tariff. Andrew Jackson immediately quickly dispatched ships to Charleston harbor because he thought that nullification was an act of treason against the United States. Congress supported the president in these actions and passed a Force Bill in 1833 which authorized Jackson to use soldiers to enforce the tariff. South Carolina eventually repealed its nullification ordinance and things died down. However, they did not go away altogether. It gradually turned into the principles that led to the secession of the South prior to the Civil War. The nullification crisis shows an example of Jackson stretching his federal powers as