Andrew Jackson Good Or Bad

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Andrew Jackson seventh president of the United States of America, was a very beloved man but he also was one of the most controversial presidents. Americans considered him their idol, so much, that Americans wanted to vote for him to come back to save the Union when the Civil War broke out in 1861. However, he did have policies that would contradict his character such as, the Indian Removal and slavery. In essence, Andrew Jackson in some eyes did bad in other good. He was a man who did good for only those who he considered valuable leaving out African Americans and Indians. To begin, Andrew Jackson was not born into wealth he was born into poverty in Ireland moving to the Carolina frontier. He never met his dad due to his passing before he was born so he was left along with his brothers to survive by themselves. Andrew Jackson didn’t have it easy in his childhood its even said that his tough childhood is what shaped him into the man he became. When the Revolutionary war began in 1775 the Carolina frontier became a dangerous place with a farmer on the side of the Patriots and his neighbor the British. He lived in a very violent environment where in order to survive he had to be violent himself. During this time, he was captured by a British officer who offered him the job to …show more content…

Jackson’s goal in his eight years was to reinvent the presidency. Jackson first act was to fire government officials who were seen as corrupt and replaced them with others who would amend his every decision. He also protected the union by declining nullification that would cause a civil war. His counteract was to issue a presidential proclamation which he appealed to the people of South Carolina. Henry Clay than succeeded in winning passage compromise bill that Jackson signed and South Carolina agreed to obey it. As a result, civil war was successfully