Andrew Jackson Good Or Bad Essay

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During Andrew Jackson's time as president a lot of bad events in history occurred. President Andrew Jackson has done more bad than good. For example, he started the Trail Of Tears, The Indian Removal Act, and the National Bank Changes.

During the trail of tears over 4,000 of the native americans were killed or died of hunger, cold, and disease on their way westward. The native american tribe called the Cherokees lived on valuable Georgia land. President jackson wanted the cherokees land. So the cherokees went to the U.S Supreme Court. The Supreme Court made a decision that it was their land and Georgia and president Jackson could not remove them. But Jackson decided to not listen to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately Jackson was no longer in office during the time of the trail of tears. But even with Jackson out of office his plan was still carried out and the Cherokees were removed with their homes and items burnt behind them. This …show more content…

This made it so president Jackson could make more land for whites on 25 million acres of land. In the process of forcing the native americans off their land he killed 46,000 of Indians. The U.S government sent 7,000 troops to forced the Indians off their land or they were ordered to be killed.
The National Bank opened in 1816 was created to serve as a repository for federal funds. This was five years of the First National Banks charter had expired. The bank allowed less debt to be owed in the United States. But Jackson decided that the National Bank was unconstitutional and did not follow the lines of the constitution. Therefore President Jackson decided that he would cancel the National Bank. This meant that there would be more debt put onto our government and our taxes would increase. This shows that Jackson was a bad president by canceling and removing one of our most needed financial

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