Why Was Andrew Jackson A Villain?

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Andrew Jackson is a villain as president because he was arrogant and thought he was never wrong. He also eliminated the National bank and tried to get rid of the electoral college. Speaking on wrong doing he also was the main cause of the Native Americans suffering. Andrew Jackson was arrogant because he made many corrupt decisions that affected himself, America and his peers. Like how threatened to hang Vice president John C . Calhoun for treason and how he was petty and dueled Charles Dickinson over cheating in a horse race and ended up killing him. He also ended up using the veto power more than any other president at the time which led to people calling him by the nickname “Old Hickory” and many Jackson opposers referred to him as king Jackson due to him abusing his presidential powers. You could …show more content…

Many people believe that Andrew’s plan to stop the national bank was in good interest due to the fact he wanted the bank to come to a close since he thought it only catered to the rich and not the poor/common man. Though he might have done this with good heart he still ended up causing a dent in the American economy and ruined the value of money back then. Andrew Jackson also tried to get rid of the electoral college out of spite due to his personal grudges against the electoral college's decision in the election of 1824 when he got screwed over by Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. Some other things he did out of spite and personal affiliation were firing government workers that fought against him. He also replaced them with friends which destroyed the meaning of a president's cabinet as they are supposed to provide input on certain government decisions and not be scared of losing their job if they do end up speaking up with a good intention of helping America, This was called the “spoils

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